15 Proven way to Make Passive Income in 2022 | by geozee | Mar, 2022

Ah, Passive Income, who doesn’t dream of it? It is the quest of many people and it is even a trend that is skyrocketing.

Almost everyone wants to have passive income. So, often, what we are looking for is a kind of additional income, an additional income that is completely “passive” and that allows us to earn money, without working directly on it.

Of course, who wouldn’t want to earn money while sleeping? You wake up every morning and when you have your cup of coffee, you will watch your account grow… And, that without doing anything?

So, even if it seems exuberant, know that it is not an inaccessible sweet dream. Anyone can create passive income right now if they want to.

Before telling you about the 15 passive income ideas you can create, let’s take a quick look at what passive income actually means.

So, is passive income accessible to everyone?
The only thing to understand is that you will still have to work to get there. And, to be even more precise, I would say that there are different types of passive income. In fact, they can be grouped into two large families of passive income:

Passive income that requires an initial investment: Typically, these are the best known passive income. Passive income that comes from investments, real estate or investing in the stock market, etc. We will discuss this in detail later in this article.

Passive income that comes from “passive” work: These are the least known passive incomes because they appeared with the internet. There, it is about types of business such as affiliation, the sale of digital products, etc. We will discuss this again in detail.

I assure you that once you understand that there are different types of passive income, it will become clearer to you. And, even better, you can suddenly choose the passive income that suits you best. Yes, each type of profile, each type of situation, and each objective corresponds to an adapted passive income.

So I would ask you to read these 15 passive income ideas with relevance and focus first on the passive income that suits you. By doing this, you are sure to make money faster simply from your passive income.

Definition of passive income: does it mean that the money falls on its own?
Here, then, now that we have laid the foundations on what passive income is, namely that it is an income that will fall, without us working directly on it. That said, understand that to set it up, you still have to work! Once you get it right and forget

Likewise, the harder you work, the harder you invest, the more you will earn and your passive income will be.

You will see in this article that it is up to you to manage passive income. There are really a lot of opportunities to be seized. It’s up to you to seize them!
Basically, for example, initially, I started to have a passive income of 40 euros per month (which fell every month so without me working on it) but over time, it became more important.

This is also what is important to understand: The passive income that you will create will (in the logic of things) become increasingly important.

Many people would like to earn a minimum wage, or say 1000 euros per month; Well, you will see that it is quite possible. But, most likely, you will start by raising first 100, 200 then 500 euros and finally 1000 euros.

Afterward for those who already have knowledge in the field or who already have good capital to invest, then they may be able to make 1000 euros per month in passive income very quickly.

Finally, I think I have said the essentials of what you need to know and now we can see the 15 passive income ideas that you can create and financial independence!

1. Real Estate: Having rent paid each month

Quite clearly, I imagine this is the type of passive income you are most familiar with, right? It’s the very idea of ​​having annuities and money falling every month. And, that’s why we put it in the first position.

That said, real estate is not an easy field. You really have to train yourself before actually getting started, especially if you are thinking of making your first real estate purchase, for example. There are many things to know, both from a pragmatic point of view (choice of land, location of the house, investing in new or not) and from a tax point of view (knowing the interesting levers, new laws, etc.).

Otherwise, once you’ve got the hang of it, why not start with simple real estate like when you rent on Airbnb, for example. You can very well, start by renting a room on Airbnb if you are really a beginner and test the thing.

Me, personally, I rent an apartment on Airbnb and I put a person who does check-in and check-out. Many people do it with ease now.

In addition to Airbnb, there are other platforms like Smartrending , which are also great if you want to earn money passively, just by renting out your house.

2. Real estate in crowdfunding

As we mentioned above, although real estate is the royal way to create passive income, it is also the most expensive, undeniably.

Know that our wonderful time has filled this gap because we can present investing in real estate to many. It’s called crowdfunding, in case you’re already familiar with the term. In English, the term crowdfunding is appropriate.

We can therefore invest collectively in real estate projects with attractive rates of return while investing with small amounts.

For example, we can mention one of the leaders in this sector: the Lymo site through which you can invest with an entry ticket of only 1000 euros.

There are other platforms but I have just tried this one and invested in it and really I am very satisfied.

I recommend taking a look if investing in real estate interests you. Otherwise, don’t worry, you’ll see that the list is rather long.

3. Loan money to companies (participatory financing)

You’ve heard of crowdfunding before, I guess. You may have heard of this type of “love money” as it is called where several people join together to finance a project. I think you know for example Ulule or KissKissBankBank for example?

In fact, when it comes to passive income, that’s not exactly the type of crowdfunding we’re going to talk about. Indeed, there are several types of crowdfunding.

And the one that interests us the most, of course, is the financing of businesses. There are more and more platforms that allow us to do this easily.

Companies can be financed (and become business angels in a way) in the form of a loan (repayable with interest, therefore) or in the form of participation (equity) in the shares of the company. In this case, it is, therefore, dividends that we will receive.

The good news is that companies seeking funding from individuals have been scrutinized by the platforms. In fact, with this requirement, we have access to serious and viable companies.

We, therefore, lend our money to business leaders who are at the head of sustainable businesses. You can choose to invest in companies according to the type of activity or according to the amount they wish to raise.

The best platforms for crowdfunding in France that you can use are Pretup or Wiseed to name only the best known.

4. Invest in dividend-paying stocks

There, much like real estate, these are the most classic ways of passive income. Most wealthy people (let’s say millionaires) necessarily have financial investments. And, typically, they have shared and received famous dividends.

Once a year (or every month, or every six months), a dividend (i.e. income) is paid directly by the company to all shareholders.

It is really a very popular type of investment because you can earn twice if you have followed well so far:

Stocks can go up in value (so you can resell them and earn a profit on them)
You receive income per year or per quarter (so pure passive income)
Only, even if the idea, makes you want, you still have to train seriously on the stock market and know the actions that generate dividends. This is not the case for all stocks. Similarly, do not confuse trading and the stock market!

But, I would write dedicated articles on the subject on this blog because it is really a subject that I love and that I have been practicing for years, with joy (and a lot of performance). Otherwise, you can discover the best trading sites to get an idea of ​​which platform to choose😉

5. Buy a business and put it under management to generate passive income

Buying out companies is an increasingly well-known and sought-after activity among investors. In fact, it’s a bit like real estate, you need a big entry ticket and above all business knowledge.

For example, you can decide to buy a small business and put it under management to collect the resulting income.

Be careful, if you decide to rent a room, manage the stock and make the sales yourself (without management), this is active income. Here we are talking about passive income, don’t forget it;)

buy a business and put it under management to earn passive income
On the Transentreprises website, you can find businesses, boutiques, and businesses (of all sizes) throughout France. Frankly, if you have good starting capital, a business buyout may be a good way for you to generate significant passive income.

Well, for people who have the means or who have the flair and the intuition for such and such a business, sometimes that’s exactly the investment in gold that needs to be made.

Management is often the second step for a successful entrepreneur or a person who has a certain amount of capital that they would like to invest.

Even better than real estate, the good thing about buying a business is that the turnover has no limits. You will be able to develop the business at your ease (and even online) to grow your small company. Your investment could therefore be worth much more (for resale) than the price at which you bought it.

6. Invest your money in investment funds

Yes, that’s typically what millionaires or wealthy people in general do. They invest and place their money in hedge funds. So, maybe you who are reading this article, may not be a millionaire, and you are wondering how to do it?

There are, for example, OPCs (collective investment undertakings) which will invest for you in transferable securities (stocks, bonds, etc.). This is how savers will have a diversified portfolio that is managed by a management company.

In fact, there are several forms of UCIs such as FCPs or Sicavs for example. I will talk about it in dedicated articles if you are interested.

Like most individuals, you can opt for PEA funds or Livret A accounts.

Be aware that there are several other alternatives with sites like Mintos, for example, which I have personally been using for years now.

With Mintos, for example, I started by investing 1000 euros, and every month I earn interest. I chose a portfolio with 12% annual interest. You will see, there are different types of wallets, it’s up to you to choose the one that suits you. You see, that’s typically passive income.

7. Invest and generate interest in your cryptocurrencies

So, I don’t know if you’ve ever been tempted to invest in bitcoin or even if you’re interested in cryptocurrency in general.

So, for many people, blockchain technology is the technology of the future. It’s just that bitcoin has only been around for 10 years and it takes time for it to become mainstream.

That said, bitcoin is always worth more, and as I write this article, a bitcoin is worth more than 25,000 euros! Do you realize? Do you realize that there are people who have bought bitcoins for 200 euros and even less?

Finally, of course, you can just buy bitcoin for example, and wait until it takes a few years to resell and pocket your capital gain. Corn! Corn! In this article, we are talking about passive income, right?

Well, be aware that with cryptocurrencies, it is quite possible to generate interest in your crypto capital.

For example, on the Youhodler site, I deposited Bitcoins and even EURS (euro stablecoin) and I earn 4% interest on my bitcoins. So, yes, yes, every week I get even more bitcoin. What a pleasure!

Finally, if you are interested in the field of cryptocurrencies, you are in good luck. Do not hesitate to consult the article to know how to make money with cryptocurrencies.

Passive income that requires working at the beginning.
In this section, we will look at passive income which can be just as important (or even more) than the passive income we have seen so far.

You will see that these are passive incomes which are basically active incomes. You will have to work to put them in place. Once it’s done and running, then yes, we can talk about passive income.

8. Create a Youtube channel

Very clearly, in this section, the top of the list is earning money with Youtube. It is — and I repeat myself — the Eldorado of our time, that’s for sure.

You should know that the two types of business there (the blog and youtube) require completely different skills. Both involve a different personal investment.

Also, be aware that these are passive incomes that you will have in absolute terms but that, all the same, you will have to work a little.

Also, I am clarifying something here; We are in an article that talks about passive income so I will address the fact of having a youtube channel in a passive version.

For example, for Youtube, I’m not going to tell you to create a classic facecam channel. That is rather to be considered if you want to make it an activity strictly speaking. You can otherwise make money on Youtube this way, of course, but you will still have to work.

If you really want to make passive income, then the best would be to make videos without showing your face and even ideally to delegate all the tasks.

You can recruit freelancers who do all the tasks (research, voiceover, video editing) and you just have to publish it. You can find freelancers on Fiverr or 5euros for example.

This means that when things are going well, you won’t need to work to generate money. You would simply pay your freelancers who will publish your videos (without you having to move a finger).

Otherwise, you can simply make classic videos on a subject that you like. You will earn money and even if it is not totally passive, you will have many opportunities to earn more and more.

Remember that with your Youtube videos, you can earn money with Youtube advertising remuneration. And, you can also put affiliate links if you talk about specific topics. Basically understand this:

To gain affiliation: You will have to make videos of the “opinion” type, testimonial or tutorial on this or that product. You can do this simply by filming your screen. The whole thing is to have a targeted niche with good affiliate products to offer.
Otherwise, to win through advertising, in this case, you will have to be more public, and make video editing type videos where you accompany your audio with images and photos. This is how you can have passive income. Indeed, after a while, your videos will be seen (a lot) and you will earn money even while sleeping.

9. Create a blog and make affiliation

There, as far as the blog is concerned, this is perhaps the most widespread idea and you should know that if you are reading this article in 2021 or even after, then, yes, it is still true and I believe that this will always be true. The blog is not dead for the simple and good reason that everyone (even a fraction) will continue to read. It is a fact. Similarly, the written format allows you to be much more relevant sometimes, than on a video for example.

So, to earn money with a blog and in a passive way, the ideal and the royal way is to make affiliation with your blog.

There are of course several ways to make money with a blog, it is a fact. Only, there, what interests us is passive income, huh? So, for passive income, it is clearly affiliation that should be preferred.

For example, the main way to monetize this blog (yes, yes, on which you are reading this article) is through affiliation.

You will have to write articles that talk about specific subjects and in which you can put links to products (physical or digital), software, or other things.

So, written like that, I know it sounds simple. However, be aware that creating a blog takes time… A lot of time even.

I mean you can be referenced on Google in 6 months (it’s a base) but for that, you will have to write hundreds of articles with between 1000 and 2000 words. I would add that you still need to have a keyword strategy, know how to use backlinks, etc.

In short, having a blog can be super profitable if you concentrate and if you like to write (or if you have the means to hire a web editor, for example).

Otherwise, in itself, yes, it’s excellent for having a passive income type business but hey, I can’t lie to you by telling you that it doesn’t require any work at the start. But, considering the winnings you can earn afterward, it’s definitely worth the effort.

10. Sell digital products on platforms

It’s really a way to generate a passive income that I particularly appreciate. Really, I love it.

In fact, you can do it in several ways and according to different profiles and that’s why I appreciate it so much, I must say.

In fact, when we think of digital products, we tend to only think of online training or ebooks and PDFs for example.

No, we can sell lots of things! You would be really surprised to know that there are people who receive 2000 euros in automatic just because they sell photos, audios, or plugins for software or something else.

On these platforms, you can sell a lot of things (graphics, images, plugins, WordPress themes, videos, etc.).

For example, you can become a seller on the EnvatoElements platform for example. Me, for example, I am a big customer (I have been subscribed to this platform for 2 years, I buy lots of digital products for my different businesses).

generate passive income by selling your digital products
You know, if I had to start all over again, I think I would choose this option. I have personally earned a lot by selling photos online for example.

You can resell your photos on Getty Image, Adobe Stock, or Shutterstock to name only the best known.

When we talk about passive income, really, it’s still a golden option, I think. Ideal for photographers, videographers, graphic designers, and web designers. It’s a bargain, grab it!

11. Create a dropshipping business (in management)

We talk a lot about dropshipping and I think if you are interested in online business, entrepreneurship, you certainly know dropshipping.

I know you may be wondering so far what is the difference between creating an e-commerce store and a dropshipping store? No worries, I’ll answer it now.

In fact, the difference is really subtle. To put it roughly, a dropshipping business has no inventory. When a customer places an order in the store. The manager will order him from his supplier (usually Asian type AliExpress).

Yes, by telling you that, you are telling yourself that in fact, many online stores that you know do dropship… Yes, it’s true.

And if sometimes dropshipping has a bad reputation, it is mainly because many unscrupulous people have decided to make indecent margins (selling 7 times more expensive for example) on low-quality products.

However, it is quite possible to do ethical dropshipping. Yes Yes. In fact, the right drop shipper will create a real brand, communicate with the customer, add complementary products, etc.

In short, it’s still a good business to generate passive income, there’s no photo. Because it requires relatively low starting capital (it will mainly require a wholesale advertising budget).

But, if you do it well, and you offer good products, it can become a good springboard before creating your brand in fact. Nothing prevents you from seeing bigger and starting with the drop as a first step to take.

Also, we are talking about passive income, and don’t worry, you can very well create your e-commerce site while making passive income: You can automate a business from A to Z (from order taking to purchase from the supplier) or you can hire a manager who will take care of the entire store.

Some people prefer to create shops and resell them instead. It is also a way of doing things that can be extremely profitable.

12. Create a mobile application

It’s always a good idea to create a mobile app, very clearly. If you know how to program, great.

But, if you don’t know how to program or have no idea what coding is, then you have 3 options:

Primo: You learn to code even a minimum because it is possible to create mobile applications relatively simply on dedicated platforms.
You pay a developer who will code your application for you. There you can find some on sites like Fiverr, on codeur.com, or on freelancer.
You can partner with a developer and he would take care of the development of the application and you will take care of the marketing aspect.

You can find all the freelancer profiles you are looking for on Fiverr.
So, if not, what you need to remember is that there is create an app and there is create a profitable app. You will have to think carefully about finding an idea for an application that will appeal to an audience.

See what works and try to find your niche. You can earn with advertising revenue, refer to affiliate links, or for the more daring, sell a real service.

Passive income of the income supplement type.
All the methods we have just seen so far make it possible to generate substantial and solid passive income.

But, sometimes you just need to do small things to make money online, and here we see methods that bring in light passive income. Basically, you can earn a few hundred euros, to earn additional income, let’s say.

All this, once again, without straining too much.

13. Sell your products on Etsy

Maybe you already know this platform? I must say that I adore it, sincerely. In fact, Etsy is a marketplace where people can sell the products they created themselves.

Everyone can register, it’s really open to everyone. Of course, it is more suitable for creators, freelancers who work manually, in an artisanal way.

I don’t know if you have skills in cabinetmaking, carpentry, printing, or whatever, if you know how to do something with your fingers, then, let’s go!

You will have a real online showcase to display your products in front of thousands of buyers and not only in France! But, worldwide.

And, the possibilities are endless, believe me.

14. Generate passive income with your car

You may know it but your car is worth gold! In fact, there are two main ways to make money from your car.

The first thing is that you can advertise your car. Basically, you will be paid to stick a sticker for a period of time. We pay you for that. And, rest assured, the stickers are small.

Here is the Itsmycar site that allows you to earn money with it.
There is also the Jeroulefute site which also allows you to earn money by advertising. Besides, to increase your chances, I advise you to use both sites.

15. Make money by going to work

As we arrive at the last idea to generate passive income, we continue our momentum. Again, it’s about using your car to make money.

You can very well carpool in general as with the blablacar site that you already know I imagine.

But, there, it is rather a homework carpooling that will allow you to earn money. So, yes, it’s not quite passive income but it’s still a source of additional income, that’s clear.

The Klaxit website and app allow you to offer your home-to-work journey
It’s a good way to earn money without inventing the wheel and to make your daily journey profitable. Otherwise, it’s also very good for the environment and maybe even for sociability)

So, that’s the end of this list.

Final Word on Passive Income

I know it was long but I wanted to write a complete article that gives real methods.

Source by [author_name]

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